Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Business
A mausoleum where I bury old, decayed, decrepit and delusional but not vulgar thoughts for eternity or perhaps even longer. Unfortunately, I probably will not be around to keep track of the time span.
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September 14, 2024
Told to do.

During the sadistic aspects of humanity's history, a justification for evil deeds was "I'm doing what I was told to do". It is a situation one can easily get themselves into. It becomes such a learned habit to not think about what you are doing. So simple that the transition from someone telling you, to yourself becoming that someone who does not even arouse an internal thought to understand what they are doing. Until an atrocity gets others attention.

Added to Gab. September 14, 2024.
Added to Locals. September 14, 2024.
Added to Truth Social. September 14, 2024.
Added to Gettr. September 14, 2024.
Added to X. September 14, 2024.

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September 17, 2024
Know knew.

What you are waiting to know is the answer to the question, what can go wrong? Everything! The only exception is the issue to which God decides to put in the final word before the answer is executed. I know, you already knew the answer.

Added to Gab. September 17, 2024.
Added to Locals. September 17, 2024.
Added to Truth Social. September 17, 2024.
Added to Gettr. September 17, 2024.
Added to X. September 17, 2024.

September 16, 2024
Giving away.

Something democrats and others won’t tell you is that what they are giving away is your freedom.

Added to Gab. September 16, 2022.
Added to Locals. September 16, 2022.
Added to Truth Social. September 16, 2022.
Added to Gettr. September 16, 2024.
Added to X. September 16, 2024.

September 16, 2024
Moral internet.

What is a moral for internet behavior? Think what you mean before others think they know what you mean.

Added to Gab. September 16, 2024.
Added to Locals. September 16, 2024.
Added to Truth Social. September 16, 2024.
Added to Gettr. September 16, 2024.
Added to X. September 16, 2024.

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